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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno



Brian Schroeder,najpoznatiji po imenu Pushead, čuveni je američki ilustrator. Svoju karijeru kao ilustrator, započeo je kada je, kao vokal hardcore banda Septic Death, radio flyere za svoj bend, kao i za skate događaje. Ljubav prema crtanju i glazbi, kako je on sam kazao, razvila se kao otpor prema sredini gdje je odrastao, Boise, Iowa, zbog čega je nastalo njegovo umjetničko ime. Naime, odrastajući u sredini kao što je Boise (glavno središte Mormonske Crkve,op.prev.), nije se uklapao u lokalno društvo, zbog čega je bio odbačen (pushed-odgurnut, op.prev.). Njegovi radovi su se pojavljivali u časopisima kao što su Maximumrockandroll i Thrasher, gdje je ujedno bio novinar. Česta tema njegovih ilustracija bila je lubanja, bilo to ljudska ili životinjska, kako je on sam kazao, njegova životna filozofija: dvorske lude su budale koje kraljevi im se smiju, ali kraljevi kradu njihove ideje od luda da nastave svoju vladavinu i ne propadnu s vlasti. Kao ilustrator, surađivao je s dosta bendova, no najpoznatija je njegova suradnja s Metallicom, koja je započeta tijekom turneje Damage Inc. Ubrzo, Pushead postaje stalan suradnik Metallice u dizajniranju singlica, majica i ostalih rekvizita, a sama popularnost Metallice se pokazala kao pun pogodak za Pusheadovu karijeru ilustratora. Pusheadove slike, koje se nalaze na raznoj vrsti odjeće, od majice pa do tenisica, danas krase svatkoga; od mladog skatera, pa do celebritya, kao što je Kim Kardashian. Napisati kratku recenziju o samom Pusheadu je poprilično zahtjevno, pošto se njegova karijera proteže na 40 godina, zbog čega bi trebala biti napisana knjiga o njemu, kao i njegovom radu. Danas, iako je živi povučeno, što dalje od javnosti, Pushead je i dalje aktivan kao ilustrator, pošto nema ni potrebe, jer njegova djela sve govore.

Brian Schroeder, best known as Pushead, is a famous American illustrator. He started his career as an illustrator when, as the vocalist of the hardcore band Septic Death, he worked on flyers for his band, as well as for skate events. His love of drawing and music, as he himself said, developed as a resistance to the environment where he grew up, Boise, Iowa, which gave rise to his stage name. Namely, growing up in an environment such as Boise, he did not fit into local society, which is why he was pushed away. His works have appeared in magazines such as Maximumrockandroll and Thrasher, where he was also a journalist. A common theme of his illustrations was the skull, be it human or animal, as he himself said, his life philosophy: jesters are fools that kings laugh at, but kings steal their ideas from jesters to continue their rule and not fall from power . As an illustrator, he has collaborated with many bands, but the most famous is his collaboration with Metallica, which began during the Damage Inc. tour. Soon, Pushead became a constant collaborator of Metallica in the design of singles, T-shirts and other props, and the very popularity of Metallica proved to be a hit for Pushead’s career as an illustrator. Pushead’s paintings, which can be found on various types of clothing, from T-shirts to sneakers, adorn everyone today; from a young skater to a celebrity like Kim Kardashian. Writing a short review of Pushead himself is quite challenging, as his career spans 40 years, which is why a book should be written about him as well as his work. Today, although he lives in seclusion, as far away from the public as possible, Pushead is still active as an illustrator, as there is no need, because his works say it all.




Student morskog ribarstva u Splitu, član umjetničke udruge Dadanti gdje obavljam funkciju voditelja glazbenog odjela i glumačke družine Banana Split. Bavim se poezijom, glumom, glazbom, novinarstvom i performansima...