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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno




Sarah Perrota je američka kauntautorica, koja je dosad objavila četri studijska albuma, a ovo je njen četvrti, novi album Blue To Gold, koji bi trebao izaći sredinom listopada ove godine.

Iako je žanr pop/rock, cijeli ugođaj albuma bih nazvao jesenskim, pošto na albumu većinom prevladava melankoličan prizvuk i ženska energija, koje najbolje dočaravaju    što se najbolje može osjetiti na pjesmama kao to su The Other Side,The Wilderness, Firestrom i Blue To Gold.

Iako na albumu prevladava melankoničan zvuk, ipak ima pjesama koje odudaraju od tog ugođaja, tj. imaju življi pristup (što uopće nije loše) kao što su Echo Of Joy, Heartbeat.

Također, moram spomeniti još pjesama koje odudaraju od melankoličnog prizvuka, a to su Spectrum Of Color, Don’t You Stop i Circles, koje su na tragu Kate Bush. Što se tiče Don’t You Stop, ona je bila napravljena prije nekoliko godina, s gitaristom Johnom McDowellom. Nažalost, J. McDowell je preminuo 2016., zbog čega je ova pjesma posvećen njemu.

Sve što mogu kazati, ovo je kvalitetan album, a ako tražite nekakav poklon curama/ženama/zaručnicama, ovaj album je pun pogodak.


Sarah Perrota is an American songwriter, who has released four studio albums so far, and this is her fourth, new album Blue To Gold, due out in mid-October this year.

Although the genre is pop / rock, I would call the whole atmosphere of the album autumn, as the album is mostly dominated by melancholy and feminine energy, which best evokes what can be best felt on songs such as The Other Side, The Wilderness, Firestrom and Blue To Gold.

Although the album is dominated by a melancholic sound, there are still songs that deviate from that atmosphere, ie have a livelier approach (which is not bad at all) such as Echo Of Joy, Heartbeat.

Also, I have to mention more songs that deviate from the melancholy undertone, and those are Spectrum Of Color, Don’t You Stop and Circles, which I would say that they are influenced by Kate Bush.
As for Don’t You Stop, it was made a few years ago, with guitarist John McDowell. Unfortunately, J. McDowell passed away in 2016, which is why this song is dedicated to him.

All I can say is this is a quality album, and if you’re looking for some kind of gift for girls / wife / fiancés, this album is a complete hit.



Student morskog ribarstva u Splitu, član umjetničke udruge Dadanti gdje obavljam funkciju voditelja glazbenog odjela i glumačke družine Banana Split. Bavim se poezijom, glumom, glazbom, novinarstvom i performansima...