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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno




Slavko Remenarić je nekadašnji gitarist rock benda Boa. Za Solin Live govori o sebi, o bendu Boa, projektima poput Milion i zaštiti autorskih prava glazbenika.

Možete li nam se za početak predstaviti i reći nešto o sebi?

Ja Sam Slavko Remenarić,glazbenik,ali i pravnik.Rođen sam 1959 u Bjelovaru,od 1960 živim u Zagrebu,u kvartu Maksimir.Prvi doticaj s glazbom bili su mi Beatlesi i Rolling Stonesi.Sa sestrom sam,kao klinac bio čak i član Beatles fan cluba, jedinog u istočnoj Europi koje je osnovao Veljko Despot.Glazba i poezija ,kao i film oduvijek su mi strast, a sebe doživljavam kao autora,čovjeka koji stvara glazbu,sihove,u zadnje vrijeme i filmove.Obožavam sam proces stvaranja,koji nekad izrodi nešto dobro,nekad ne, na što sam navikao. Kad sam dobio prvu gitaru sa 8 godina,prvo sam počeo našto sam,svoje svirati na jednoj žici.Kasnije sam svirao klasiku ,imao sam svog profesora klasične gitare i to je dosta utjecalo na moje sviranje ali i komponiranje.Gotovo nikad nisam svirao tuđe stvari,nešto malo Beatlese u početku,ali da su tuđe pjesme umjetnika koje cijenim utjecale na mene,to svakao.Osim klasike ,slušao sam od T,Rex,Bowiea,Rox music,Yes,Genesis,Led Zeppelin,pa faza jazz rocka,tolike izvođače,nekad i opskurne,da ih je teško pobrojati.Danas slušam toliko širok raspon da je premalo prostora da sad nabrajam.Cijeli život bavim se glazbom i stihovima,ali dam diplomirao pravo od čega živim.To mi daje slobodu u stvaranju,jer ne moram raditi nikakve ustupke i zadovoljan sam sa tom slobodom.

Zajedno s klavijaturistom Mladenom Puljizom osnovali ste davne 1974. osnovali ste bend Boa. Možete li nam reći više o tome, koji su vam bili utjecaji, kako ste upoznali i došli do ideje za bend?

Mladen i ja smo bili školski prijatelji još iz osnovne škole,iz istog kvarta.Tako da smo se poznavali puno prije nego smo kao klinci,u osnovnog školi, odlučili osnovati bend.Tada smo bili akustičari,svirali smo i madoline,i harmonium,i blok flaute,i to snimali na moj 4 kanalni Grundig magnetofon. Imena benda smo često mijenjali, dok jednom nisam šetao obližnjim Zološkim vrtom,te mi se svidjelio ime Boa Constrictor. Kasnije se bendu pridružio naš prijatelj Igor Šoštarić na bubnjevima,mi smo se elektrificirali,a kad je došao basist Damir Košpić,tek tada je grupa u punoj mjeri prodisala,i vrlo brzo nakon toga smo napravili materijale koji su objavljeni na prvom albumu. Utjecaji koje sam nabrojio u odgovoru na prvo pitanje su nam bili zajednički,plus bendovi kraja sedamdesetih – Talking heads,Simple minds,Japan i slično.

2018. ste otišli iz benda, pa me zanimalo koji bio razlog Vašeg odlaska?

Po našem dogovoru iz starih vremena, ,bez mene i Mladena ne može postojati bend Boa.

Osjetio sam kreativno zasićenje,kao da je Boa rekla sve što je imala i odlučio se za stvaranje nečeg novog,modernijeg.Tako da je zapravo mojim odlaskom bend Boa prestao postojati,a Mladen je nastavio pod imenom Boa II,dok se ja nisam htio “šlepati” na stara vremena,nego sam uzeo ime jedne moje pjesme – Milion,dodao još jedno l i napravio nešto kao project.Ne bend nego pjesme u kojima većinu instrumenata sviram sam,sve stvari su moje,a uz mene su stalni članovi producent Zvonimir Dusper i pjevač Ernest Ivković.

Nakon odlaska iz benda, osnovali ste drugi bend, Milion, u kojem je kao vokal Ernest Ivković, te su se kao gosti pojavili su se Saša Antić i Leon Lučev. Molim Vas recite nam više o Milion?

Kao što sam rekao to za sad nije bend ,nego projekt.Baš zbog toga što sam odlučio imati slobodu i kao goste zvati umjetnike koje cijenim,pa je tako došlo do suradnje sa Sašom Antićem.Iako se radi o drugačijim žanrovima,njega sam uvijek iznimno cijenio,i kao člana TBF,a možda čak i više njegove solo radove kao Buendija,koji su savršeni art uratci,naročito album Škrinja,koji me oduševio.Za pjesmu “Samo zvijezde” moj producent Dus i ja došli smo na ideju da bi bilo super imati dramskog recitatora preko pjevanja,nešto što u našoj glazbi ,koliko znam još nitko nije napravio.Logičan izbor bio je naš veliki glumac Leon Lučev ,koji je pristao biti dio ovog eksperimenta.Na jednoj pjesmi pjeva Luka Kunčević ,koji živi u Kuala Lumpuru i tamo je snimio vokale,jedan singl traje 13 minuta in a njoj gostuje naš vrhunski trubač Andrej Jakuš.Svaka pjesma je nova priča i izazov,ali i zabava i zato je to project.

Međutim sad planiram live nastupe,pa ću ipak imati bend.

5. S suprugom Dijanom, surađivali ste s Multimedijalnom Institutom u Zagrebu. Možete li nam reći točno o čemu se radi?

Mi smo ,kao pravnici radili na prilagođavanju Creative Common licencu hrvatskom pravnom sustavu.

Imali smo čast naći se s profesorom Lawrence Lessigom ,koji predaje pravo na Harvardu.

Radi se o konceptu autorskog prava gdje autor tim licencama,po našem rečeno punomoćima,daje drugima razne opsege i sadržaj korištenje njegovog autorskog djela.

To je bilo devedesetih,doba idealizma u internetu,da bi danas se sloboda neta zluopotrebljava.U glazbi je to očito sa streaming srevisima,koji daju sramotne naknade autorima i izvođačima,a pod kriknom te slobode oni zgrču ogromne profite.I moje pjesme su na stramningu,ali ako za million slušanja dobiješ 100 dolara,to je smiješno.Sreća da ne živim od glazbe,želim da što više ljudi čuje moju glazbu,ali ne očekujem nikakvu zaradu,jer je nema.

Za kraj, koji su Vaši budući projekti? Što biste preporučili našim čitateljima?

Nakon što sam izdao kompilaciju do sad objavljenih singica nazvanu 2020-2022,koja je dobila odlične recenzije,upravo sam izdao novi singl “Sretno uzbuđenje” koji kroz plesni funk govori o umjetnoj inteligenciji,i sloganu Svjetnog ekonomskog foruma( kojeg čine velike korporacije i utjecajne lovaške face)- “Biti ćete sretni ,nećete ništa imati” je odraz nedobre budućnosti koja nas čeka i ljudske gluposti koja upravo stvara svog novog gopodara.

To je stvar s novog albuma koji izlazi najesen i ima 11 novih pjesama.

Čitateljima bi preporučio da pokušaju živjeti sad i ovdje,cijeniti svaki trenutak kratkog života i ne nervirati se je sve će to ionako proći, ali utjecati gdje to mogu,a mogu dosta. Kao što moj zadnji singl o opasnosti za ljudski rod stvarno neće ništa promijeniti,ali bar znam da sam nešto napravio,meni značajno.

To i sam pokušavam,i iznimno cijenim stoike (kao cara Marka Aurelija) koju su to davno još shvatili,ali ih se često olako krivo tumačili.


1. Could you introduce yourself and tell us something about yourself?

I am Slavko Remenarić, a musician, but also a lawyer. I was born in 1959 in Bjelovar, since 1960 I have lived in Zagreb, in the Maksimir district. My first contact with music was the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I was with my sister, as a kid I was even a member of the Beatles fan club, the only one in Eastern Europe founded by Veljko Despot. Music and poetry, as well as film, have always been my passion, and I see myself as an author, a man who creates music, films, and lately films. I adore the process of creation, which sometimes it produces something good, sometimes not, which I’m used to. When I got my first guitar at the age of 8, I first started playing my own on one string. Later I played classical, I had my classical guitar teacher and that had a lot of influence on my playing and composing. I almost never played other people’s stuff , a little Beatles in the beginning, but if other people’s songs by artists that I appreciate influenced me, that’s fine. Apart from classics, I listened to T, Rex, Bowie, Rox music, Yes, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, and the jazz rock phase, so many performers, sometimes obscure ones, that it is difficult to count them. Today, I listen to such a wide range that there is too little space to list them now. I have been involved in music and lyrics all my life, but I have a law degree, which is what I live by. This gives me freedom to create, because I don’t I don’t have to make any concessions and I’m happy with that freedom.

2. Together with keyboardist Mladen Puljiza, you founded the band Boa back in 1974.Can you tell us more about it, what your influences were, how you met and came up with the idea for band?

Mladen and I were school friends from elementary school, from the same neighborhood. So we knew each other long before we decided to form a band as kids in elementary school. Then we were acousticians, we played madoline, harmonium, and recorder, and recorded it on my 4-channel Grundig tape recorder. We often changed the names of the band, until one time I was walking in the nearby Zoo garden, and I liked the name Boa Constrictor. Later, our friend Igor Šoštarić joined the band on the drums, we became electrified, and when bassist Damir Košpić came, only then did the group in to a full extent, and very soon after that we created the materials that were published on the first one the album. The influences I listed in the answer to the first question were common to us, a plus bands of the late seventies – Talking heads, Simple minds, Japan and the like.

3. You left the band in 2018, so I was wondering what was the reason for your departure?

According to our agreement from the old days, without me and Mladen there can’t be a band Boa.

I felt creative saturation, as if Boa had said everything she had and decided to create something new, more modern. So actually, with my departure, the band Boa ceased to exist, a Mladen continued under the name Boa II, while I didn’t want to “haggle” to old times, but myself took the name of one of my songs – Milion, added another l and made something like a project. Not a band but songs in which I play most of the instruments myself, all things are mine, and they are always with me members producer Zvonimir Dusper and singer Ernest Ivković.

4. After leaving the band, you founded another band, Milion, in which Ernest Ivković is the vocalist, and Saša Antić and Leon Lučev appeared as guests. Please tell us more about Milion?

As I said, it’s not a band for now, but a project. Precisely because I decided to have freedom and invite artists that I appreciate as guests, and that’s how the cooperation with Saša Antić came about

he works on different genres, I always appreciated him immensely, even as a member of TBF, and maybe even more his solo works as Buendija, which are perfect works of art, especially the album Škrinja, which me delighted. For the song “Samo zvezbe” my producer Dus and I came up with the idea that it would be great to have a dramatic reciter over singing, something that, as far as I know, no one has yet done in our music made. The logical choice was our great actor Leon Lučev, who agreed to be a part of this experiment. One song is sung by Luka Kunčević, who lives in Kuala Lumpur and recorded it there vocals, one single lasts 13 minutes and features our top trumpet player Andrej Jakuš. Everyone the song is a new story and a challenge, but also fun and that’s why it’s a project. However, now I’m planning live performances, so I’ll still have a band.

5. With your wife Dijana, you collaborated with the Multimedia Institute in Zagreb. Can you tell us exactly what is it about?

We, as lawyers, worked on adapting the Creative Common license to the Croatian legal system.

We had the honor of meeting Professor Lawrence Lessig, who teaches law at Harvard.

It is about the concept of copyright where the author gives these licenses, as we say powers of attorney to others various scopes and content of the use of his author’s work.

That was in the nineties, the age of idealism in the Internet, so today the freedom of the Internet is abused.This obviously with streaming services, which give shameful fees to authors and performers, under the guise offreedom, they squeeze huge profits. And my songs are on Stramning, but if you get 100 for a million listens dollars, that’s funny. I’m lucky that I don’t live from music, I want as many people as possible to hear my music, but I don’t expectno profit, because there is none.

5. Finally, what are your future projects? What would you recommend to our readers?

After I released a compilation of the singles released so far called 2020-2022, which received great reviews, I just released a new single “Happy Excitement” which through dance funk talks about artificial intelligence, and the slogan of the World Economic Forum (which consists of large corporations and influential hunting faces) – “You will be happy, you will have nothing” is a reflection of a bad future that we are also waiting for human stupidity, which is just creating its new master.

It’s from the new album that will be released in the fall and has 11 new songs. I would recommend the readers to try to live now and here, appreciate every moment of a short life and not get annoyed, it will all pass anyway, but influence where I can, and I can do a lot. Like my last one a single about the danger to the human race really won’t change anything, but at least I know I’m something made, important to me.I try to do that myself, and I highly appreciate the Stoics (like Emperor Marcus Aurelius) who were there a long time ago understood, but they are often lightly misinterpreted










































Student morskog ribarstva u Splitu, član umjetničke udruge Dadanti gdje obavljam funkciju voditelja glazbenog odjela i glumačke družine Banana Split. Bavim se poezijom, glumom, glazbom, novinarstvom i performansima...