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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno

Hrvoje Bubić: Interview with Sérgio Oliveira


Sérgio Oliveira je brazilski ilustrator iz Belo Horizonte. Za Solin Live govori o svome radu, suradnji s brazilskim legendama Sepultura, brazilskom metal scenom 80’ih I drugim suradnjama

To begin with, could you introduce yourself to us and tell us something about yourself?

I have a degree in fine arts, pedagogy and a master’s degree in design.

I’ve always worked with sculpture and painting using different techniques, I have my own studio and I taught at a design university for 12 years

As an illustrator, what actually motivated you to pursue illustration. could you tell us about your style?

I’m an old school style enthusiatic and I try to follow techniques of Master artists like Salvador Dali, HR Giger, Frazetta, Boris Valejo among others. However, my rustic style was consecrated with the painting I did for Sepultura’s album cover “Bestial Devastation”. Following that I just tried to improve without losing the essence of what I had already started.

Your most famous works are the cover albums of Sepulture, Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions. How did you meet the band and how did the collaboration come about?

I was a bass player in a band called Chakal. I became friends with the guys from Sepultura in meetings and shows, and later I started attending their rehearsals. The invitation came unexpectedly, there were other artists, but I was chosen.

Among the Sepultura, with which names have you still collaborated. I noticed you collaborated with The Troops Of Doom. Tell us more about these collaborations?

I worked for the band Chakal, I’ve done stage art for Overdose, and adornments and masks for The Mist. Currently I’ve finished a job for the band Torchesofnero. The invitation to work with The Troops of Doom came from Jairo. He wanted me to be the artist to do the cover for their debut full album. We’ve been friends for a long time.

In addition to illustrating, I noticed you were the bassist in the band Chakal. Please  tell us a few words about this band.

I had some good time while I was playing with Chakal. I helped them to compose songs, but I kind didn’t follow the evolution of the band. Then some years later I left the band to dedicate myself to fine arts world.

For the end, what would you say to our readers?

I hope you guys enjoy The Troops of Doom cover art as much as the art I did for “Bestial Devastation” back in the time. Just like the cover of “Bestial Devastation”, The Troops of Doom artwork also brings many easter eggs and mysteries hidden in each brushstroke. I still create painting in the old way, oil on canvas, maybe this is not attractive for most bands today, because it’s more expensive than a digital paintings, and speciall


Za početak, možeš li nam se predstaviti i reći nešto o sebi?

Diplomirao sam likovnu umjetnost, pedagogiju i magistrirala dizajn. Oduvijek sam se bavio skulpturom i slikanjem različitim tehnikama, imam svoj studio i predavao sam na sveučilištu za dizajn 12 godina.

Kao ilustrator, što vas je zapravo motiviralo da se bavite ilustracijom. možeš li nam reći nešto o svom stilu?

Zaljubljenik sam u old school stil i pokušavam pratiti tehnike majstora poput Salvadora Dalija, HR Gigera, Frazette, Borisa Valeja između ostalih. No, moj rustikalni stil posvetila je slika koju sam napravio za naslovnicu Sepulturinog albuma “Bestial Devastation”. Nakon toga sam se samo pokušao poboljšati, a da ne izgubim bit onoga što sam već započeo.

Vaša najpoznatija djela su coveri albumi Sepulture, Bestial Devastation i Morbid Visions. Kako ste upoznali bend i kako je došlo do suradnje?

Bio sam basist u bendu Chakal. S dečkima iz Sepulture sam se sprijateljio na sastancima i nastupima, a kasnije sam počeo ići i na njihove probe. Poziv je stigao neočekivano, bilo je i drugih umjetnika, ali ja sam izabran.

Među Sepulturom, s kojim ste imenima još surađivali. Primijetio sam da ste surađivali s The Troops Of Doom. Recite nam nešto više o ovim suradnjama?

Radio sam za bend Chakal, radio sam scensku umjetnost za Overdose, te ukrase i maske za The Mist. Trenutno sam završio posao za bend Torchesofnero. Poziv za rad s The Troops of Doom stigao je iz Jaira (Jairo Guedz, bivši gitarist Sepulture, op.prev.). Želio je da ja budem umjetnik koji će napraviti omot za njihov debitantski cijeli album. Prijatelji smo dugo vremena.

Osim što ilustrirate, primijetio sam da ste bili basist u bendu Chakal. Recite nam par riječi o ovom bendu.

Dobro sam se proveo dok sam svirao s Chakalom. Pomagao sam im u komponiranju pjesama, ali nisam pratio evoluciju benda. Zatim sam nekoliko godina kasnije napustio bend i posvetio se svijetu likovne umjetnosti.

Za kraj, što biste poručili našim čitateljima?

Nadam se da ćete uživati u coveru The Troops of Doom kao i u umjetnosti koju sam u to vrijeme radio za “Bestial Devastation”. Baš kao i naslovnica “Bestial Devastation”, umjetnička djela The Troops of Doom također donose mnoga uskršnja jaja i misterije skrivene u svakom potezu kista. I dalje stvaram slike na stari način, ulje na platnu, možda to većini bendova danas nije privlačno, jer je skuplje od digitalnih slika, a posebno.



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