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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno




David Abbruzzese je američki glazbenik, najpoznatiji kao bubnjar rock benda Pearl Jam. Za Solin Live nam govori o svom doprinosu bendu, ostavštini benda, kao i ostalim suradnjama.

To begin with, can you introduce yourself to our readers and say something about yourself?

My name is David Abbruzzese. I am my parents son, my brothers brother, my daughter’s dad. For most of my life, since the age of 10, I have expressed myself successfully through music. I am a drummer. I also play other instruments. Self taught for the most part. I learned by listening to music and visualizing the art of drumming. I have been fortunate to work with a great many talented people and learned from every one of them

How did you meet the members of Pearl Jam and join the band?

I was recommended to the band by drummer Matt Chamberlain. I auditioned and joined the band before their first record, Ten, was released.

You played on the albums VS, Vitalogy, Singles Soundtrack. Please tell us more about your contribution to those albums.

I contributed as a drummer and a band member to those albums. I co-wrote many of the songs and was responsible for driving the band, like all rock drummers do. I worked extensively on arrangements and feel with guitarist Stone Goddard, and took the music seriously. I committed myself 100% to making sure the live shows we’re exciting and powerful. I did my part.

After the Vitalogy album, you left Pearl Jam. Could you tell us what was the reason for leaving?

I was unceremoniously fired by the band, due to reasons still unknown fully to me.

After Pearl Jam, you collaborated with names like Guns’n’Roses, HairyApesBMX and Pseutopia. Please tell us more about this collaboration, as well as about other collaborations.

That’s a big question. The Guns and Roses period was just the right place at the wrong time for me. I also worked with Roger Hodgson of Supertramp fame. Each project had its own dynamic and I am grateful for all the experiences. I worked with Peter Cornell, (older brother of Chris Cornell) on his album titled Champion. That’s a great album. I also created 2 albums with The Green Romance Orchestra. Those were some of my favorite albums. I participated in the Nickelbag album, 3 Hits and a Bump with Stevie Salas and Bernard Fowler. Also Co produced and played drums and did some engineering and mixing of 3 albums with Stevie Salas. I produced and did some live shows with the exceptional band HABMX. Producing their Out Demons album at my studio in Seattle. Pseutopia and I have recorded many songs together and will be making a full length album in the near future. I was well into my solo record with Shawn Smith when he abruptly passed away. That was and is still a tough one. That music is so powerful but due to the powers that be that control his estate, the music may never see the light of day. Sadly. Over the last few years, I have been working with various songwriters and musicians in various projects remotely. Providing drums and the occasional mix. Mainly doing session work.

Pearl Jam was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Could you tell us what you think about all this?

I think they deserve it. I also think that my not being inducted was a big oversight by the powers that be. I wish I could say that it isn’t a sore spot with me, but I would be lying.

For the end, what are your future projects? What would you recommend to our readers?

So much music is happening. Some of which can be found on my YouTube channel, FreeAssRecords. There are many ‘quarantine jams’ that I produced with various players that happen to be friends. Lots of new music to come, also. I’ll be keeping busy and hope to continue making music that is enjoyable to listen to. I am grateful to still have an outlet for creativity. I wish you all the best in getting your feet back on the ground after these challenges in the last few years. Stay strong. Keep your hearts open and enjoy yourselves! Life is too short. Take good care of one another!


Možete li nam se za početak predstaviti i reći nešto o sebi?

Moje ime je David Abbruzzese. Ja sam sin svojih roditelja, brat moje braće, tata moje kćeri. Veći dio svog života, od svoje 10. godine, uspješno sam se izražavao kroz glazbu. Ja sam bubnjar. Sviram i druge instrumente. Uglavnom samouk. Učio sam slušajući glazbu i vizualizirajući umjetnost bubnjanja. Imao sam sreću raditi s mnogo talentiranih ljudi i učio sam od svakoga od njih.

Kako ste upoznali članove Pearl Jama i pridružili se bendu?

U bend me preporučio bubnjar Matt Chamberlain. Bio sam na audiciji i pridružio se bendu prije nego što je objavljena njihova prva ploča, Ten.

Svirali ste na albumima VS, Vitalogy, Singles Soundtrack. Recite nam nešto više o svom doprinosu tim albumima.

Na tim sam albumima sudjelovao kao bubnjar i član benda. Suautor sam mnogih pjesama i bio sam odgovoran za vožnju benda, kao što to čine svi rock bubnjari. Opsežno sam radio na aranžmanima i osjećaju s gitaristom Stoneom Goddardom i ozbiljno sam shvaćao glazbu. Posvetio sam se 100% tome da nastupi uživo budu uzbudljivi i snažni. Ja sam svoj dio obavio.

Nakon albuma Vitalogy napustili ste Pearl Jam. Možete li nam reći koji je bio razlog odlaska?

Dobio sam ružan otkaz u bendu, iz meni još uvijek potpuno nepoznatih razloga.

Nakon Pearl Jama, surađivali ste s imenima poput Guns’n’Roses, HairyApesBMX i Pseutopia. Recite nam nešto više o ovoj suradnji, kao i o ostalim suradnjama.

To je veliko pitanje. Razdoblje Guns and Roses bilo je pravo mjesto u krivo vrijeme za mene. Radio sam i s Rogerom Hodgsonom iz Supertrampa. Svaki je projekt imao svoju dinamiku i zahvalan sam na svim iskustvima. Radio sam s Peterom Cornellom, (stariji brat Chrisa Cornella) na njegovom albumu pod nazivom Champion. To je sjajan album. Također sam napravio 2 albuma s The Green Romance Orchestra. To su bili neki od mojih najdražih albuma. Sudjelovao sam na albumu Nickelbag, 3 Hits and a Bump sa Steviejem Salasom i Bernardom Fowlerom. Co je također producirao i svirao bubnjeve te radio inženjering i miksao 3 albuma sa Steviejem Salasom. Producirao sam i odradio neke live nastupe s izuzetnim bendom HABMX. Produciram njihov album Out Demons u svom studiju u Seattleu. Pseutopia i ja smo snimili mnogo pjesama zajedno i napravit ćemo cjelovečernji album u bliskoj budućnosti. Bio sam dobro u svojoj solo ploči sa Shawnom Smithom kad je iznenada preminuo. To je bilo i još uvijek je teško. Ta je glazba toliko moćna, ali zbog moći koje kontroliraju njegovu imovinu, glazba možda nikada neće ugledati svjetlo dana. Nažalost. Posljednjih nekoliko godina radio sam s raznim tekstopiscima i glazbenicima u raznim projektima na daljinu. Pružanje bubnjeva i povremeni miks. Uglavnom radi sesije.

Pearl Jam primljen je u Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Možete li nam reći što mislite o svemu ovome?

Mislim da su to zaslužili. Također mislim da je moje neuvrštavanje veliki propust moćnika. Volio bih da mogu reći da me to nije bolna točka, ali lagao bih.

Za kraj, koji su Vaši budući projekti? Što biste preporučili našim čitateljima?

Toliko se glazbe događa. Neke od njih možete pronaći na mom YouTube kanalu, FreeAssRecords. Postoji mnogo ‘karantenskih gužvi’ koje sam napravio s raznim sviračima koji su slučajno prijatelji. Također dolazi puno nove glazbe. Ostat ću zauzet i nadam se da ću nastaviti stvarati glazbu koja je ugodna za slušanje. Zahvalan sam što još uvijek imam odušak za kreativnost. Želim vam sve najbolje da ponovno stanete na zemlju nakon ovih izazova u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Ostanite jaki. Držite svoja srca otvorena i uživajte! Život je prekratak. Pazite jedni na druge!



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