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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno




Antonio Coelho je predsjednik fan kluba benda Sepulture. Za Solin Live govori o ovome čuvenom bendu iz Brazila, fan klubu, kao i ostavštini benda

1.To begin with, could you introduce yourself to us and tell us something about yourself?

They call me Toninho Iron but my real name is: António Vicente Coelho, I am Brazilian born in , Exú-pernambuco.

I migrated to Sampa City in 1976, since then it has been here that I have had contact with other cultures, including Brazilian music and a lot of rock and roll.

Apart from the bands.. Beatles, Rolling Stones, Fogaths, aero Smith, Scorpions, UFO, I became passionate about, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden Motor Head Black Sabbath and our great SEPULTURA in Brazil. Among others, obviously.

2.Your name is associated with Sepultura. Can you tell us how you met, as well as the situation in Brazil at the time?

In the early 80’s here in São Paulo there had started a wave and explosion of bands trying to sound like the various English bands that were becoming famous all over the world making and playing heavy metal, we also had many bands coming from Germany and the United States.

Therefore, in Brazil, many teenagers who were starting to like it and also try their luck making extreme music in our lands, something extremely difficult, both due to financial and technical conditions.

Therefore, many were

Trying their luck, but few managed to appear and stand out in our scene, among these bands, of course the bravest and most persistent would stand out.

SEPULTURA, in this case, was the one that caught our attention the most because they made the most visceral and extreme type of Metal at the time.

This factor was crucial both to convince us that they were the best and also confirms their presence in the musical taste of thousands of fans all over Brazil.

In 1985, from the launch of Split Bestial Devastion together with the also Mineiros, Overdose, the saga of the Cavalera brothers began to be trodden and their space begins to be demarcated also in the city of São Paulo.

It was when they moved to Sampa that I really got to know them, before our contacts were only at shows.

I became a follower of the band since their first show in SP, still during the Split tour, that is, between 85/86.

After the release of the unbeatable and epic album Schizophenia, I got a closer contact with the band and since then I decided with 2 friends to found S.OB.F.C.


The situation in Brazil in those times was worse, starting with censorship, everything was prohibited, but I could do everything behind the curtain..hahaha.

All were persecuted by the military, including the most audacious, the long-haired, Head potheads .Bangers

In other words, our freedom was guarded….

This also existed due to the fact that we are very close to education and culture.


3. You are the president of the Sepultura fan club. Tell us how the idea of ​​creating a fan club really came about, as well as about the fan club itself.

Well, the idea of ​​founding S.O.B.F.C , came up exactly because we felt proud and happy to have in our country a band doing something so brutal and true, SEPULTURA freed us and freed us from the sameness of liking only the extreme music of other countries, let to be alienated.

This is the main factor why, instead of founding a fan club for bands like Iron Maiden or Metallica, why not found a fan club for our great SEPULTURA!?

It was with this feeling that it all started….

The Fan club became strong right from the start. It was founded in March 1990 and for more than twenty years it had its headquarters at Galeria do Rock SP – downtown.

From the beginning, we supported and walked side by side with the band, doing our best to give our proper support.

The Fan club has always tried to exist in an efficient way, taking the news and news to the accredited (members/affiliates).

In addition to having a POBOX, telephone, and fax, we also print a fanzine semiannually.

We followed the band for several km…., we saw countless presentations, among the most unforgettable shows, there is the first one here in SP, Hollywood first at Rock in Rio in 1991. Rock was also one of the most apotheotical!

In order:

Rock in Rio1991

Hollywood rock 1994*

In the case of Hollywood rock, SEPULTURA had been chosen to be one of the main bands of the Fest, but unfortunately a month before the event, SEPULTURA was deleted from the cast. for no reason, this frustrated us to the point of starting a campaign for him to be re-invited to be part of the cast.

For this to materialize, we made a petition with more than 12,000 signatures, this made the production go back and return the band to its deserved place at the festival…

It was a success from start to finish.

Note: SEPULTURA’s first show here in São Paulo was in 1985

In this case, SEPULTURA was on tour alongside Overdose.

Latest performances playing Bestial Devastion songs.

4. You are very responsible for Sepultura’s success, so I was interested in your opinion on that?

So, on this question is the following…., in my opinion, SEPULTURA was already born big, this, together with my love and respect for them, made people see it that way…., obviously that bands that in those times managed to have these kinds of honors stood out even more in the much sought after place in the Sun.

Therefore, it is normal that in fact this may have made them even stronger and more important as the great band they were and still are, relevant, true and conquerors.

5. Sepultura is a well-known name. As a person who has been with the band since the beginning, what is your view of Sepultura’s legacy?

I believe that everything that SEPULTURA represents, conquered and is still conquering, is mainly because they are from a country where getting things done honestly and extremely difficult, especially when it comes to extreme music.

So its deserved place in the history of heavy metal along with its legacy, was conquered above all by the will to win without to sell yourself.

6. What is the situation in Brazil now, when it comes to rock? What names would you like to recommend us to listen to?

The situation in Brazil in terms of culture is still one of the worst places to win by making good, true and honest music.

This is even more difficult when it comes to Rock and Roll.

We have all over the country many great, great musicians and a huge diversity of bands trying to make a living from music, unfortunately this is extremely out of perspective these days.

Many will keep trying but very few have the financial conditions to achieve prominence.

Over here, the bad music won.

The vast majority only consume garbage in the last decades.

7. Finally, what would you like to recommend to our readers?

To your followers (readers), I recommend that you continue supporting you and looking for more true information within this immense world of so many good things to be sought and consumed.

Try to know a little more about our history within extreme music.

Back at the beginning of everything our glorious SEPULTURA knew how to make a difference and with that put us on the world map doing the most love….

Extreme and true music.


1. Za početak, možete li nam se predstaviti i reći nešto o sebi?

Zovu me Toninho Iron, ali moje pravo ime je: António Vicente Coelho, ja sam Brazilac rođen u , Exú-pernambuco.

U Sampa City sam emigrirao 1976. godine, od tada sam ovdje imao kontakt s drugim kulturama, uključujući brazilsku glazbu i puno rock and rolla.

Osim bendova.. Beatlesa, Rolling Stonesa, Fogathsa, aero Smitha, Scorpionsa, UFO-a, zaljubio sam se, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden Motor Head Black Sabbath i našu veliku SEPULTURU u Brazilu. Između ostalih, očito.

2. Vaše ime je povezano sa Sepulturom. Možete li nam reći kako ste se upoznali, kao i kakva je bila situacija u Brazilu u to vrijeme?

Početkom 80-ih ovdje u São Paulu počeo je val i eksplozija bendova koji su pokušavali zvučati kao razni engleski bendovi koji su postajali poznati diljem svijeta stvarajući i svirajući heavy metal, imali smo i mnoge bendove koji su dolazili iz Njemačke i Sjedinjenih Država Države.

Stoga u Brazilu mnogi tinejdžeri koji su se počeli sviđati i okušati sreću u stvaranju ekstremne glazbe u našim krajevima, nešto izuzetno teško, kako zbog financijskih tako i zbog tehničkih uvjeta.

Stoga su mnogi bili

Okušajući sreću, rijetki su se uspjeli pojaviti i istaknuti na našoj sceni, među tim bendovima bi se, naravno, istaknuli oni najhrabriji i najustrajniji.

SEPULTURA je, u ovom slučaju, bila ta koja je najviše privukla našu pozornost jer su radili najvisceralniju i najekstremniju vrstu Metala u to vrijeme.

Taj je faktor bio presudan kako nas uvjeri da su najbolji, tako i potvrdio njihovu prisutnost u glazbenom ukusu tisuća obožavatelja diljem Brazila.

Godine 1985., od lansiranja Split Bestial Devastion/ zajedno s takođe iz Mineiros(grad iz Brazila,op.prev.), Overdose, počinje se gaziti saga o braći Cavalera i njihov prostor počinje se razgraničavati i u gradu São Paulu.

Kad su prešli u Sampu (grad u Brazilu, op.prev.), stvarno sam ih upoznao, prije su naši kontakti bili samo na koncertima.

Postao sam pratitelj benda od njihovog prvog nastupa u SP-u, još za vrijeme zajedničke turneje, odnosno između 85/86.

Nakon izlaska nenadmašnog i epskog albuma Schizophenia(drugi album,op.prev.), stekao sam bliži kontakt s bendom i od tada sam s 2 prijatelja odlučio osnovati S.OB.F.C.


Situacija u Brazilu tada je bila gora, počevši od cenzure, sve je bilo zabranjeno, ali sve sam mogao iza zavjese..hahaha

Svi su bili proganjani od strane vojske, uključujući one najodvažnije, dugokose, glavešine.

Drugim riječima, naša sloboda je bila čuvana…

To je postojalo i zbog činjenice da smo jako bliski obrazovanju i kulturi potrebni.

3. Predsjednik ste fan kluba Sepultura. Recite nam kako je zapravo nastala ideja o stvaranju fan kluba, kao i o samom fan klubu.

Pa, ideja o osnivanju S.O.B.F.C-a, nastala je upravo zato što smo se osjećali ponosni i sretni što u našoj zemlji imamo bend koji radi nešto tako brutalno i istinito, SEPULTURA nas je oslobodila i oslobodila nas istovjetnosti da volimo samo ekstremnu glazbu drugih zemlje, neka budu otuđene.

To je glavni faktor zašto umjesto osnivanja fan kluba za bendove poput Iron Maidena ili Metallice, zašto ne osnovati fsn klub za našu veliku SEPULTURU!?

S tim osjećajem je sve počelo….

Fan klub postao je jak od samog početka. Osnovan je u ožujku 1990. godine i više od dvadeset godina imao je sjedište u Galeria do Rock SP – centar grada.

Od početka smo podržavali i hodali rame uz rame s bendom, dajući sve od sebe da pružimo odgovarajuću podršku.

Fan klub uvijek se trudio postojati na učinkovit način, prenoseći vijesti i vijesti akreditiranim (članovima/pridruženim osobama).

Osim što imamo POBOX, telefon i faks, mi također tiskamo fanzin polugodišnje.

Pratili smo bend nekoliko kilometara…., vidjeli smo bezbroj prezentacija, među najnezaboravnijim emisijama, tu je prva ovdje u SP-u, Hollywood prvi na Rocku u Riju 1991. Rock je bio i jedan od najapoteotičnijih!

U redu:

Rock u Riju 1991

Hollywood rock 1994*

U slučaju Holywood Rock (festival u Holiwoodu, op.prev.), SEPULTURA je izabrana za jedan od glavnih bendova festivala, ali nažalost mjesec dana prije događaja, SEPULTURA je izbrisana iz glumačke ekipe. bez razloga, to nas je frustriralo do te mjere da smo započeli kampanju da ga ponovno pozovu da bude dio glumačke ekipe.

Da bi se to ostvarilo, napravili smo peticiju s više od 12.000 potpisa, time se produkcija vratila i vratio bend na zasluženo mjesto na festivalu…

Bio je to uspjeh od početka do kraja.

Napomena: SEPULTURA-in prvi nastup ovdje u São Paulu bio je 1985. godine

U ovom slučaju, SEPULTURA je bila na turneji uz Overdose.

Najnovije izvedbe s pjesmama Bestial Devastion.

5. Sepultura je poznato ime. Kao osoba koja je s bendom od početka, kakav je vaš pogled na naslijeđe Sepulture?

Vjerujem da je sve što SEPULTURA predstavlja, osvaja i još uvijek osvaja, uglavnom zato što su iz zemlje u kojoj je pošteno i izuzetno teško raditi stvari, pogotovo kada je riječ o ekstremnoj glazbi.

Tako je svoje zasluženo mjesto u povijesti heavy metala, zajedno s njegovim naslijeđem, osvojio prije svega volja za pobjedom, a da se ne morate prodati.

6. Kakva je sada situacija u Brazilu, kada je rock u pitanju? Koja imena biste nam željeli preporučiti da poslušamo?

Stanje u Brazilu u kulturnom smislu i dalje je jedno od najgorih mjesta za osvajanje praveći dobru, istinitu i poštenu glazbu.

To je još teže kada je Rock and Roll u pitanju.

Diljem zemlje imamo mnogo sjajnih, sjajnih glazbenika i ogromnu raznolikost bendova koji pokušavaju živjeti od glazbe, nažalost ovo je danas krajnje van perspektive.

Mnogi će nastaviti pokušavati, ali vrlo malo njih ima financijske uvjete za postizanje istaknutosti.

Ovdje je pobijedila loša glazba.

Velika većina kozumira smeće samo u posljednjim desetljećima.

7. Za kraj, što biste željeli preporučiti našim čitateljima?

Vašim pratiteljima (čitateljima) preporučam da vas i dalje podržavate i tražite istinitije informacije u ovom ogromnom svijetu toliko dobrih stvari koje treba tražiti i konzumirati.

Pokušajte saznati nešto više o našoj povijesti unutar ekstremne glazbe.

Još na početku svega naša slavna SEPULTURA znala je napraviti razliku i time nas je stavila na kartu svijeta radeći najviše ljubavi….

Ekstremna i prava glazba.








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